Forest protection movement WOLF
Nature protection of Slovakia has always been very important to us. Fortunately, we have an association in Slovakia that has been dealing with this protection of nature and animals since 1993. Our beautiful forests need our protection from those who do not mind when forests that should be protected by law are being cut down. The forest biotopes are part of our country, they fulfil their role there, and we really do not want to allow that future generations of Slovaks would not have them.
We donated € 500 to WOLF to buy ten trees in a nature reserve owned precisely by this association. One such tree costs 50 euros. We believe that this reserve will only expand. These are the only places where nature and animals are really safe from outside human intervention.
You can find more information on project on the following link:
The results of Wolf speak for themselves:
“Since 1993, when the Forest Protection Movement WOLF was established as a civic association, we have been systematically working on fulfilling our philosophy of saving natural forests. Since there are no protected areas from which human activity is excluded, we are creating a network of strictly protected areas called Evolutionary Forests®. In these reserves or other strictly protected zones, plants and animals have a possibility to live their proper and undisturbed life without human intervention. Our priorities are buying forests and creating private non-intervention reserves, we propose the declaration of new and extension of existing reserves, we reveal thefts and illegal activities in forests, we stop the exploitation of the most beautiful residuals of forests directly in the field. We are involved in legislative changes where we consistently promote real protection for our forests and carnivores. We have published a number of books on deep ecology, and we have expanded public awareness and knowledge of the importance of natural ecosystems thanks to our Howling, leaflets, field trips in the woods, events, lectures and conferences as well.
Our successes entail primarily:
Nature reserves:
The private nature reserve Vlčia covers an area of 21.24 hectares and it is located in the Prešov Region in the Čergov Mountains, in the cadastre of municipality Olejníkov, in the spring area of the Ľutinka River. Originally, the forest belonged to a private owner, from whom WOLF bought the forest. The amount needed to buy the forest – 3.2 million crowns – was obtained by the collection Buy your own tree among citizens from 18 countries around the world. WOLF has been the owner of the forest since 1998 and there has been no intervention in this forest since then: there is no exploited wood, trees are not planted, dead trunks are not pulled out and there is no hunting in the forest. The forest is located at the end of the Jarabinčík valley in the Ľutinky river micro-basin, the geological base is a paleogenic flysch. The fir-tree beech prevails in lower altitudes of the forest; beech maple prevails on lower ridge slopes and at the end beech maple of limited growth. The predominant tree species are beech, sycamore maple and fir-tree. Moreover, there are Norway maple, harp, birch, precious Salix silesiaca and in the sub-ridge part there is also European rowan. The total number of trees with a diameter greater than 70 mm is exactly 11 548 as measured by an expert.
Over the years of our activity, we have saved hundreds of lives of innocent bears, wolves, and other predators, both beasts and birds, hunted for lack of awareness of the complexity of nature, ignorance of the basic principles of coexistence with beasts, and last but not least, for money.
We have put in place a number of positive legislative adjustments that allow better control of forest management and prevent their devastation.
Fundamental changes:
- ban on clear-cutting
- ban on moving the timber with streams
- Participation of NGOs in proceedings (Forest Protection Movement WOLF, 2017)
How can we help?
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