Technical blog

7 reasons why it is worth to cooperate with us

IMP Kontakt spol. s r.o. Read the top 7 reasons why our customers recommend us to their friends and associates (questionnaire, 2016, IMP Kontakt): Fast feedback from customer service High quality Wide range of products Large inventory of product stocked in Bratislava Rapid delivery times Long term cooperation and friendly employees Clear and easy to navigate websites and catalogues

Not possible to lose screws

These items are self clinching fasteners made for thin sheets. The screw is a part of a nut and it is not possible to lose it. It can be with or without spring in order to the nut could go to the wanted position. You can use them for example in steel covers of machines. You can choose from PF11 (aluminium), PFC2 (steinless steel), PF30 a PF31. More information...

Why work with us?

Read the TOP 7 Reasons Why Our Customers Recommend Us to Your Customers (2016 survey, IMP Kontact): 1. Fast customer service response 2. High quality and top-notch design award-winning 3. Wide assortment supported by 3D models 4. High-quality central warehouse in Vienna and Bratislava 5. Keeping delivery dates 6. Long-term cooperation and helpful employees of the company 7. Clear web pages and catalogs Source: Designed by Freepik

What can we do to improve?

Ing. Miroslav Petráš

Owner of IMP Kontakt s.r.o.

  "I would like to thank you for your support and cooperation in this way. I appreciate every customer. Colleagues also do the best for your satisfaction. Both demand and orders are dealt with as soon as possible. In the framework of improving our services, I will welcome you if you find the time and comment on...

Professional pneumatic-hydraulic riveting tool Air Power4

Profesionálne pneumaticko-hydraulické nitovacie náradie Air Power4 je určené pre nitovacie matice, využitie v náročných podmienkach sériovej výroby. Advantages: - unique ratio between power and weight - Timeless design - Rotate air intake for easier handling during use - Multi-function trigger and clip-on box for easier control of the sip - The AP4 is equipped with a brand new quick release system for easy replacement of...

Corporate Facebook

Dear customers, Do you use corporate Facebook? If not, then we can convince you of these 7 benefits: Sale and stock Business Facebook can be used without registration New catalogs and brochures for assortment You will always be informed about all the news, our participation in exhibitions in Slovakia and the fairs Application photos of Elesa + Ganter standard parts You do not miss videos and new animations for our...