Press Prima Inserter MAXI 450

Powerful press with unique parameters

PRIMA MAXI 450 is a compact, convenient, flexible, easy-to-use and maintainable press for all types of pressing elements. It will interest everyone who works in the field of sheet metal processing.

PRIMA MAXI is just as flexible as the smaller PRIMA INSERTER type, but at the same time it can develop a much greater force in the range of 150 – 7000 kp. With interchangeable attachments, it can also handle pressing into pipes and boxes.

Documents for download - Prima Maxi 450:

Prima Inserter Maxi – prospectus

Prima Inserter Maxi - technical parameters

technicky nakres lisu prima maxi 450
lis prima maxi 450
lis prima maxi 450

POWERFUL PRIMA MAXI 450 can develop a force in the range of 150 – 7000 kp. FAST PRIMA MAXI is a fully pneumatic press with high speed (1 working cycle / 1 s). Other machines in a similar category are either hydraulic or hydraulic-pneumatic and therefore slower.

AFFORDABLE AND LOW-COST MAINTENANCE pneumatic press, PRIMA MAXI does not need oil change or complex maintenance. Just keep it clean and lubricate regularly. In this category, this press has the least maintenance requirements. Despite all the features listed above, PRIMA MAXI has the best value for money in its category.


  • Descending / ascending / and counter of pressed elements
  • Easy to read LED display
  • Adjustable pressing force and pressing time
  • Automatic fault diagnosis.

QUALITY PRIMA MAXI components of the highest quality, with a long service life, were used in the production. The air pressure regulator, pneumatic cylinder, electric valves and other components are from reputable manufacturers: SMC Japan (market leader), switches from Matshushita and Nikkai Japan.

PRIMA MAXI sa vyrába podľa medzinárodných noriem CEI EN:

PRIMA MAXI is manufactured according to international standards:

  • CEI EN 61000-6-4:2007; 61000-3-2:2007; 61000-6-2:2006;
  • CEI EN 60204-1:2006; 61000-3-3:2009; 55011:2011

All the above-mentioned benefits will surely be appreciated by every demanding customer.


    Dopytované položky

    SAFETY – The reduced gap between the punch and the anvil significantly reduces the risk of injury to the operator.

    THE EVEN MORE VERSATILE PRIMA MAX design allows you to maintain the versatility of the smaller PRIMA INSERTER type, but with its interchangeable extensions it can handle pressing into pipes (photo 1 and photo 2) as well as into boxes up to 900 mm and a depth of 600 mm.

    The eccentric anvil allows to press the connecting elements close to the corner or bend in the sheet metal extrusion.

    nahlad lisu prima inserter maxi 450