
Christmas party

Have you already had your Christmas party? We have a different theme for party every year. We have already had black and white theme party and this time we were even more creative. Competition: 1. miesto: Winki Winki 2.miesto: Singer of the band Kiss 3.miesto: A weird guy

Paradox vánočního shánění dárků a života původních obyvatel Aita

Life of indigenous people, Philippines This is how the Aita tribe people live, without electricity and without toilets. All they need is the most basic... What is the most important to you? What few basic things would you take into such a house? It is an interesting task in times of minimalism (for some people). Isn't it a paradox to deal with this question during...

End of the sending of paper Christmas postcards

We have decided to send only electronic Xmas postcards this year because we are trying to be more ecological to our environment. Besides, we will give all the amout of finance which we were usually using for this reason to a non profit organisation Vagus (they help to homeless people). They will receive also extra gift for their organisation. Why have we...

Yoga in daily life: A calm mind is a source of happiness

Promotion of sport and movement is also a part of our aid projects. This year we also supported CA Yoga in daily life with the mission of developing mental, physical and mental health. The courses are suitable for people of all ages, beginners and advanced. They are cut out for back and joint pain, relaxation, meditation and breathing exercises. “The meditation via self-knowledge is...

CA Into the wild

"The CA Into the Wild (abbreviated ITW) is an association that was set up to establish a breeding station to save injured and orphaned wild animals in the Bratislava region". Except for this association, there is no facility like this in Bratislava and its surroundings. Therefore, so far all injured wild animals had to be transferred to other places, causing them unnecessary...

What is new?

After we celebrated the 20th anniversary of the company last year, there were new challenges for 2018. What do we do for a better comfort of our customers? We have had new business software since the new year that brings to you many benefits, such as beautiful graphical output of invoices, quotations and orders, faster speed, improved order processing capacity We...

The support of children’s education in India

We have a possibility to support 10 children from India through our close friend Agith. Unfortunately, there are a lot of children in the world without a possibility to have education. As a result, they cannot even apply themselves in life, find a good job, they cannot guarantee a good background for their children ... Fortunately, these 10 children will not belong to them. You...

How do perceive homeless people?

Do you ever walk past a begging man in the square and you wonder why this person begs here, why he does not go to work? Why doesn't he do something useful and just sit here all day long? I won't give him any money, since he would still spend it on alcohol and cigarettes. Honestly, I have also thought of...